Partner for impact and use data storytelling to drive decisions & profits.

Partner for impact and use data storytelling to drive decisions & profits.

ContentTake your business partnering and reporting skills to the next level by learning practical techniques used today at leading companies from an experienced FP&A leader.
ExamsMarked exams at the end of every module to test your knowledge and help you prepare to step into the role of finance business partner and expert storyteller.
Bonus footage and fireside chats, crammed with expert insights.
Bonus footage and fireside chats, crammed with expert insights.
Practical templates and frameworks ready for use straight away. Take them with you and utilize them to track your metrics with ease.
Practical templates and frameworks ready for use straight away. Take them with you and utilize them to track your metrics with ease.
A variety of coursework tasks to consolidate your learning and practice your new business partnering and data storytelling skills.
A variety of coursework tasks to consolidate your learning and practice your new business partnering and data storytelling skills.
AccessLifetime access to all the content, fireside chats, templates, and more. Return to course content whenever you need to – we’ll be here.
Who's Business Partnering and Storytelling Certified: Masters for?
This certification is tailored for:
- Leaders seeking to enhance financial discipline and cross-functional influence,
- Ambitious early career professionals at medium-sized and large companies who want to advance to the next step in their careers by exceeding expectations with their business partnering responsibilities,
- Finance professionals who are frustrated because their work lacks impact on the broader business and,
- Experienced FP&A managers who are pursuing professional development and best practice validation.
How does Business Partnering and Storytelling Certified: Masters work?
The certification is 100% online and entirely self-paced. Once you enroll, you’ll work through the modules and be invited to take part in activities.
At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory exam questions and if you pass all these, you’ll become Business Partnering & Storytelling Certified!
At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory exam questions and if you pass all these, you’ll become Business Partnering & Storytelling Certified!
What happens once I’ve completed the certification?
Sit an exam for each module to earn your certification, then share your accomplishment with your peers on LinkedIn.
As for the content – you’ll have lifetime access. So, you can always revisit the information if you need a quick refresher.
How much does the Business Partnering and Storytelling certification cost?
$500. But if you sign up to Pro+ membership you'll get access to all certifications, event ticket, mentorship and more for $1,999. Save 52%.